martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My favorite website

My favorite website is GROOVESHARK >
This is an amazing website to listen music of all types. For example if I want to listen pop music just I have to search the singer or the band. Then appears all of songs related with the singer or band. There are all kinds of musical styles such as romance, cumbia, samba, Voleros, reggaeton, R & B, Indy , soul, etc. I have used this website for almost five years when this website started. I liked so much this page because I love listening to music. Also I have told to my friends about this website and they love it.
The good thing of this website is the organization of the music and also this site is in English so I can practice my english finding and singing the music.
I can listen to music in this website everyday at anytime as in youtube but I prefer  grooveshark because I can save a playlist with my favorite music and then replay it and continue enjoying the music that I like.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the ''enhydra lutris'' or commonly know as ''sea otter'', have a elongated body is finished off by a conical tail (slightly compressed dorsoventrally) wide at its base, but gradually reduced towards its end, and its long neck by a broad  and flattened head where they are located eyes and ears very discreet. stand in a long snout and abundant whiskers or beards, their hind legs are flat and shaped fin, this allows them to swim quickly. Their front legs are retracted claws like cats and this allows them to grab their prey with ease and also allows them to clean their fur. since it is one of the most dense of the nature.
Its distribution extends from the coast of Japan to Baja California, lives in salt water and kept near the coast, feeding on crustaceans, fish and seafood, to avoid being carried away by drifting sea otters tend to sleep holding hands, what makes it very tender in the eyes of the spectators, sea otters also need to take care of their fur because protects them from cold water and helps to dive.


One of the countries that I’d like to visit is Italy. I choose Italy because there is where makes the best lasagnas and pastas in the world. On the other hand is a country with a lot of historical monuments, or any of them due to the earthquake has destroyed several of them. Also my girlfriend have relatives there and she dreams going to Italy and her want that I being together visiting that country, so we will spend awesome moments together in a country that I deem very interesting. I’d like to visit the inclined tower of pizza, visit the Roman Coliseum, boating in Venice and eat a lot of pasta and lasagna.
If I get to go, I am going to go with mi girlfriend and this trip will be only for knowing, to promenade and to rest. We would try to visit the most touristic and beautiful part of Italy, also we will visit mi girlfriend’s relatives, and if we can, we will visit another countries of Europe.

My favorite dog breeds

I don't really like dogs breeds, because the most of them have congenital diseases, and they suffer a lot of pain for the human selfishness, anyway some of the are really cool and beatiful like the ''labrador retriever'' who is a excellent partner to all ages, he is intelligent, kindness and really energetic, labradors loves the people and is one of the most dependent, obedient and talented breed , when i was kid i never had one, but one of my close friend had two, and the are the most loyal dog i ever met, dogs always took care of him but still being so nice and friendly, summarizing they are guardians and fellow.

the other dog that I like is the beagle, because

has absence of congenital health problems, beagles can being in small houses
and flats because they are small, have a high sense of smell and tracking
etermined and resolved.These dogs have an excellent behavior with childr
instinct,beagles are very popular because have a calm character, loving, den and
usually behave well with other dogs and in spite of your size are very muscular dogs

Why do i want to be a vet?

When I was a child, one of my biggest dreams was to become an astronaut. I wanted to discover all the secrets of the humanity and visit places that just a few people have visited. But then appeared something more exciting for me: become a vet. As you might realized, for me only existed just one career in my mind when I made my decision so… there’s no other career options. I’ve decided to be a vet because I wanted to discover how life works. All the mechanisms and things that make something live. And also I love animals. This is the perfect career for me. Life at the university has been pretty hard but enjoyable. Nothing to complain about. And I haven’t decided yet buy I think I want to be some kind of ecologist, one of those guys who save wild animals and protect them. As I love the south of Chile, maybe I’ll work there, protecting Pudús and South Andean Deer. I think that is a lovely job. A hard one but I think it worth it.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
Most of them are worthless people. They don’t even know how to do the work they suppose have to do. They are fighting their own fights like which party has more influence in the country, and that kind of thing while they should be responding to people needs. Here (in this country) we need a chage. We need new people in the government. New people comes with new ideas. Now, when we are facing a new era, we need fresh ideas and a non-burocratic system. I mean less words and more action.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
This IS something interesting. I say yes to legalize marijuana because there are facts that proves things like no one ever die for an overdose. Or that it actually helps for migraine. Also, there is an important thing with the legalization, It’s stops the narcotraffic in a huge percent. Of course you might think “there’s gonna be stoned people everywhere and no one will act properly” BUT with legalization comes another thing. Regulation by law. As it happens with alcohol, there must be (after legalization) some regulation like the amount that each one of us could carry or keep in our homes. Legalization because there’s a lot of people in jail that are not criminals. They are there because of something less harmful than alcohol.

What is your opinion about recycling?
A good thing but somewhat utopic in this country because here don't exist recycling plants (or not the right amount). We need buildings before we could learn about mass recycling.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
Violence in stadiums should not be allowed. BUT one does not simply go and ban things like fireworks. Fireworks and that kind of stuff brings the magic to a football match. Have you ever seen or felt what is to be in a stadium when the football players come out to the football field and all the people claims for their football team and they ignite the fireworks? That’s something undescriptible. Pure magic. So… My point is: Stop the violence but don’t touch the “hinchada”’s stuff.
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
Of course! Is inhuman bring to this planet “life” that is not life. I mean why wait 9 months for give birth an anencephalic baby that obviously couldn’t survive more than a few minutes? And this is just an example. There’s a lot of pathologies that we can detect before the 4th month so why wait till the end of pregnancy? We already know that the “baby” is dead or is not even a baby (stopped embryogenesis).

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

MP3/MP3 player

In these days when I must move for more than one hour to each side of the city, I find it essential to have on my hand a MP3 player from which I can listen to my favorite music in every long journey, making them shorter and more enjoyable. Also I use it to transport data and pictures that I need for university, which is why I use it every day at every moment and in all places I can; on the bus, at home, at the library, etc. My life without my MP3 player ... maybe would be more boring. That is why my MP3 player is my favorite technological stuff.

My music 

Music is my loyal companion when I go on travelling or simply when I’m just on my daily commute. I like a lot of music styles but one of my favorite bands is Bersuit Vergarabant. This is an Argentinean rock band which mixes Latin-American sounds. In their lyrics they show criticism towards the modern social and political order. I like Bersuit because of the content of their lyrics and because of the energy that their melodies have and, also because one of my favorite songs belongs to them. Here is the song, enjoy it.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Hi my name is Felipe Espina i was born Santiago, Chile. At elemtary school, liceo Madre Vicencia and hight school at Liceo de Aplicación in Santiago.
Now i'm studying medicine veterinary in the University of Chile in second year.
Some of my hobbies is play basquet, take photografic and being whit my friends.
I come from a small family, I have one brother and my parents.

Here a link of some of my pictures: